2010.urteko musika elektronikoa

Revolutionary Grooves x256

Antipop Consortium taldea
Antipop Consortium taldea (Antipop Consortium)

Arakatzaile honek ez du audio elementua onartzen.

Aste honetako saioa nahiko bariatua atera zaigu, 2010.urteko musika elektronikoaz giroturik.

1- The Advisory Circle - A Clear Yarn Warning - Ghost Box
2- Gazoo - Esplanade - ~Scape]
3- Lukid - Slow Hand Slap - Werk Discs
4- Dimlite - Back To The Universe - Sonar Kollektiv
5- Professor Ojo - Old Ghost
6- Popnlockbeats - Uncanny
7- Buddy Peace - Crimson Feather Valve [Dirty Urban Birds - Myuzyk
8- Fulgeance - Haggis - Rush Hour
9- Waxfactor - Reggaenomics (Luna Landa Mix) - Needlework
10- Skywave Systems - Jankophone Feat. Rod Azlan (Acapella) - Myuzyk
11- Lunice - One Of Me - Luckyme
12- Depth Charge - Dead By Dawn - DC Recordings
13- Sabres Of Paradise - Ballad Of Nicky Mcguire - Warp
14- Harmonic 313 - Cyclotron - Warp
15- Antipop Consortium - Apparently - Big Dada
16- Si Begg - I Thunk Therefore I Am - Noodles
17- Luke Vibert - Electrophy - Planet Mu
18- Pest - Heard Yer Bird Moved In - Ninja Tune
19- Jaylib - The Red - Stones Throw
20- Push Button Objects - Non Existent (Keyed In By Gescom) - Chocolate Industries
21- Tatamax - Fairy Glen Appearances - Skam
22- The KLF - Rites Of Mu - KLF Communications
23- Beyond The Wizards Sleeve - Before We Start, If?" - 3Rd Mynd
24- The Cake And Sea - Sound & Vision - 45 Tribute
25- The Irresistible Force - Sky High - Rising High
26- Spacemen 3 - Big City (Everybody I Know Can Be Found Here) - Space Age
27- Savile Robots - Am Trax - Illicit
28- Thomas Brinkmann - Untitled - Profan
29- My Bloody Valentine - Soon (Andrew Weatherall Mix) - Creation
30- Flying Lotus - Parisian Goldfish - Warp
31- Lone - My Ami