Zuzenean 03:00h - 05:00h
Zebrabidea (errepikapena)
05:00h - 09:00h
Haria 1
09:00h - 11:00h
Bigarren Kafea

Aste honetan, 2024.urteko musika elektronikoan dauden lanak entzun ditugu.
1- LurenLFax - Acid parker
2- David Holmes - Agitprop 13
3- hrdvision - captivated heart
4 -bauwrut- clapa
5- donbrance- cope
6-Polo & pan - desperado
7- Fango- Dida Dae
8 - redinh- Fault lines
9- james holdem- in the end you´ll know
10- Moody man - joy
11- Real Lies - Late Arcades
12- fernanda Arrau- Mach pint
13- effgee - dogs hangin ´out
14- Everything But The Girl - nothing left to losse (24mix)
15-protonz - porpehus
16- manfredas - pal scam
17- Cruzman- pesto masculino
18- olof dreijer- rosa rugosa
19- Quince - space pilot
20- DJ EFX -Stratrax
21- AI wootton - Vitus
22- Like A Tim - Wonderline 1
23- Spence parker - Work that body