Zuzenean 19:00h - 20:00h
Global Musik
20:00h - 21:00h
Game Erauntsia (Errepikapena)
21:00h - 22:00h
Beste Bat

Aste honetako sesio musikalean, reggae klasikoa entzuteko tartea hartu nahi izan dugu. Dub eta roots doinuekin bidaiatu dugu ordubetez, Naiz Irratiaren uhinetan. Baita melodia eta erritmo dotoreko efektuekin ere.
1. Yabby You and the Prophets-deliver me
2. Augustus Pablo - Ital sip
3. Joe Gibbs and the Professionals - power pack
4. Upsetters - Lee Perry - dub organizer
5. Sly and Robbie - black roses
6. The Crystalites - concentration dub
7. Techniques all stars - lift up your dress fat dub
8. Wackies Allstars - bubble up dub
9. The Revolutionaries - A.N.C.
10. Roots Radics - kingdom rise version
11. Mudie & King Tubby - heavy dutty dub
12. Mudie & King Tubby - dub with a differece
13. Joe Gibbs - real rock
14. Sly and Robbie - guess who´s commin to dub
15. Yabby You and the Prophets - warm the nation
16. Tina May - fi wi time
17. King Tubbys - psalm of dub
18. Jackie Mittoo - wall street
19. Bunny Lee - skylarking dub
20. The Aggrovators - dont know who to trust