Hannot Mintegia x 2

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Hannot Mintegiaren bigarren 'Beste Bat' saioa da hau, aurrekoan etxetik bidaiatzeko aukera izan genuen gernikarrarekin, aste honetan, aldiz, erritmo biziak aukeratu ditu, dantzan paratu gaitu Mintegiak!


Wild Night-Van Morrison

Que' Onda Guero - Beck

I will survive - Cake

I Feel It All - Feist

The 13th - swing Radio Mix

I've Told Every Little Star - Linda Scott

Rice, Red Beans and Turnip Greens - Little Richard

Yo Canto - Los lobos

Loco de Amor - David Byrne

Lemas, Aingurak - BerriTxarrak

People Like Myself - Timbaldand

Intergalactic- Remastered

Dancehall Vibes - Freestylers, Tenor Fly

The Boogie Man Song-Mos Def

To win Her Lover - Leila

Whatever Wiil be, Will be - Doris Day

Azalgorri- Moxal