Live 00:00h - 02:00h
Bigarren Kafea (Errepikapena)
02:00h - 03:00h
03:00h - 05:00h
Zebrabidea (errepikapena)

Gaurkoan, 60s/70s Rare Grooves, Funk eta Latin Breaks doinuak ekarri ditugu, musika beltza bortitza eta dantzagarria. Jarri belarria martxan!
1 - James Knight And The Butlers - Funky Cat
2 - Carlton Basco -Don't Chain My Soul
3 - Coletta Woodson - Follow The Wind
4 - King Solomon - Political Rag
5 - The Fabulous Originals - It Ain't Fun But It's Fun
6 - Big Ella - Too Hot to Hold
7 - The Superiors Band Their Soul Singers -The Lady
8 - Gi Gi - Daddy Love Part 1
9 - Nelson Calloway - Funky Horns - Nelson Calloway
10 - Kelly & The Impassions - Pushin To The Top
11 - Soul Drifter - Funky Brother
12 - Hammer- Tuane
13 - Co-Real Artists - What About You (In the World Today)
14 - City Council Ltd - When You Git Through Wit It Put It Back
15 - US - Let's Do It Today (Procrastination) - US
16 - Carleen and The Groovers - Can We Rap
17 - Lew Hanson & The Islanders - Soul Safari
18 - Billy Sha-Rae - Let's Do It Again
19 - Blowfly - Sesami Street
20 - Jeannie Tracy - Trippin On the Sound
21 - Rare Function - Disco Function
22 - Leon Mitchison - Street Scene
23 - Hard Drivers vivian Lee - Since I Was A Little Girl
24 - Steel City Orchestra - Steel City Disco
25 -Pamoja - Oooh Baby
26 - Madeleine Bell - Love Is All You Need
27 - Ju-Par Universal Orchestra - Time
«Joan den sasoia gogorra izan zen faktore desberdinengatik, baina hori nire motxilara doa»
«Txirrindularitza osatzen dugun familia alde batera utzi dute»
«Nafarroarekin elkar ulertzeko ateak irekita daude eta zubiak luzatu ditugu»