
Daddy Jeff

Revolutionary Grooves x 63


Revolutionary Grooves x 63

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Astelehen honetako 'Revolutinary Grooves' irratsaioak berezitasun bat izan duela esan behar dugu. Entzule zaretenok eskaturiko kantuei egin nahi izan baitiegu oraingo honetan tartea eta gauzak horrela, 'Acid Jazz' eta 'Funky-a' izan dira nagusi. Astero legez berriz disko gomendagarriaren tartean, 'Dubamine-ren' diska berria aurkeztu dugu, EP motz eta dotorea, 'Dub', 'Reggae' eta 'Jazz elektroniko' ikuttu dotorearekin.


1. The Last Minister -Tribute to J.B. Family
2. Black & Brown - Ink
3. Jestofunk - Pfunk Station
4. Bossa Nostra - Kontaminazione II
5. LTJ Sound Machine - Funky Superfly Pt. 1
6. Capiozzo & Mecco - Whisky Go Go
7. Jerome van Rossum - The Phunky Bishop
8. Sam Paglia - Lo bianco theme
9. Live Tropical Fish - Butt
10. Gazzara - Keep Yourself Together
11. Jestofunk - color
12. Cool Affair - Black Brown
13. Man Sueto - Argentina
14. Capiozzo & Mecco - JuJu
15. Jestofunk - If Youve Got It Youll Get It
16. The Last Minister- Right On -
17. Jestofunk - Close to My Heart -
18. Black Brown - Still Under Funk
19. The Last Minister - Downtownfire
20. Black Brown - Thrill Me
21. Jerome van Rossum - Nublado
22. The Last Minister - Pacciani in Action
23. Sam Paglia - The cop
24. The Last Minister - Downtownsax
25. Bossa Nostra - Kontaminazione
26. Jerome van Rossum - Nublado Mesclado
27. Sam Paglia - Money
28. The Last Minister - Groovy-Era
29. Gazzara - Joy in Your Eyes
30. Shape Your Life - Live Tropical Fish


Diska berri gomendagarria:

Dubamine - Meditate EP. (California)


1. Meditate
2. Runtingz

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