Detroit house sesioa urte zahar gauean

Revolutionary Grooves x 206

Ian Pooley
Ian Pooley (Ian Pooley)

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Larunbat honetan, gaueko 23:00etan, 2023. urteari agur esan diogu Revolutionary Grooves saioan. Binilozko Detroit House estiloaren bueltan sorturiko abesti ezberdinen sesio irankorra izan dugu. Mila esker belarria jartzeagatik.


1 Pépé Bradock - Deep Burnt
2 Paperclip People - The Climax (Re-worked)
3 DJ Rolando (Aka The Aztec Mystic) - Aguila
4 Los Hermanos - Quetzal
5 Los Hermanos - Central Nervous System
6 The Boss - Congo (Tunnel Mix)
7 Floorplan - Eclipse
8 Scan 7 - Chuuch
9 Mike Dearborn - Dream Chaser
10 Floorplan - We Magnify His Name
11 Red 7 (3) - Feel U Up At The Disco (Vox Mix)
12 Ian Pooley - Fly Shuffle (Dub)
13 H Foundation - New Funk Theory (Swag's Unplugged Mix)
14 SNS Project - Get Up (Rulers Of The Deep Reprise)
15 Code 718 - Equinox (Heavenly Club Mix)
16 First Choice - Double Cross (Danny Tenaglia Swing Mix)