'Bass' estiloko berrikuntzak

Revolutionary Grooves x 160

SP:MC musikaria
SP:MC musikaria (SP:MC )

Ce navigateur ne prend pas en charge l'élément audio.

Gaurkoan, 'Bass' estiloko berrikuntzak ekarri ditugu, mashup eta remix berri batzuekin osatu dugu ordubeteko saioa, ondorengo artistekin eta taldeekin.


1- Isaac G - The Reprise
2- Christian Jay - Contrail
3 -Perception - Jupiter's Lullaby
3- Dubplate Pressure - Late Night Blues
4- Panar - Murder
5- Soul Mass Transit System - As We Enter
6- Warlock - Late Runner
7-Prozak - Ruff Dub
8-Stoned Island - Go With The Flow
9- Da Elusive Ganjaman - The Return
10-Perception - Endz
11-Urban Myths - Making Me Feel
12-Holloway - Selecta
13-SP:MC - Big Request
14-Conquest - Forever
15-Truant - I Come From London
16-Skream - If You Know
17- LD - Traumatic Times
18- Rareman - More Vibes
19- Sully - Give Me Up