Revolutionary Grooves x 59

Anthony Rother

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Kanturik onenen aukeraketa egiten saiatu eta lortu dugulakoan gaude beste behin ere. Aste honetako 'Revolutionary Grooves' saioan, estilo elektronikoari edo beste modu batera esanda 'Techno' kantuei egin nahi izan diegu tokia 60 minutuz. Gauzak horrela beraz, esan genezake ere underground-aren berrikuntzak entzun ditugula.

Astero legez, diska berri gomendagarria ezagutzeari ere ez diogu ukorik egin, eta beraz, 2021eko otsailak ekarri nahi izan digun Monkey Business sound system-en 5. dika bilduma aurkeztu dugu.


1 Tuxedomoon - What Use (Heinrich Mueller Technik Mix)
2​ Atomic Nation - Atomic Nation
3​ Anthony Rother - Redlight District
4​ The Neon Judgement - The Fashion Party
5 MAS 2008 - Straight Into The Future
6​ Alden Tyrell - Krenk Box
7​ ADULT. - Hand To Phone
8​ Japanese Telecom - Character Maps (Perspects Remix)
9​ The Hacker - Fadin' Away (Dima Remix)
10​ Adult - Silent Property
11​ Dexter - Z.W.A.M.
12​ Radiohead - Idioteque
13​ Da Halz - Standart
14​ Sir Real - Distant Sun
15 Anthony Rother - Simulationszeitalter
16​ Mr. Velcro Fastener - Who's Gonna Bend
17​ Tobias Von Hofsten - I Love My 808
18​ Keith Tucker - Oscillator
19​ Digitek Intelligence Assassins - Shock 2 The System
​20 Decal - Free The Flange
21 Zeta Reticula - EP 2
​22 Fisherspooner - Emerge
23 G.D. Luxxe - Red


Diska berri gomendagarriaz aipatzen aritu garen moduan, hona hemen Monkey Business And Friends 5 disko berriek osatzen duten kantuak (belgica)

1.Antares - Prism
2.BC Rydah + Setwon - Soundboy Go Dead
3.Bman - Nightjob
4.Cirkelpunt - Its The Dose That Makes The Poison
5.D.I.S. x Bandai Zuki - Houdini Expression
6.Dark Droid & Benoneshot - Rub A Dub
7.DJ K - I Am Who I Am
8.DJ Psionic - WOoW
9.DOC & King Bracket - Twinkle Love
10.Duburban & Simply Dread - Rambo
11.Els In Wonderland - You're Pushing Us
12.Enki & Mamoet - Original Sound
13.Jamin Nimjah - Auriginal
14.Jonny 5 - Agent Of Chaos
15.Nickynutz - I & I Saw Dem Coming
16.Ninjah Fareye - Ganja Dangerous
17.Nosrettap - Pemex Refix
18.Sensimo - Tactile Feelings
19.Stereo Nuttah - Raggamuffin
20.Tankdubz - Bass Bizz
21.Timmy T - Neukende Politie
22.Tony Jungle - Night Stalker
23.Tropmanga & Bman - 2020