Ihana x 87

60. hamarkadari begira jarri da Ihana 'Beste Bat' saio honetan.

Ihana Iriondo Beste Bat saioetan egoiliarra da (NAIZ IRRATIA)

Arakatzaile honek ez du audio elementua onartzen.

Aste honetan ere azken saioen dinamikari helduko diot. Aurretik bazegoen musika baina nik ezagutzen ez nuena deskubritzeko asmoz, gaurkoan, 60ko hamarkadari erreparatu diot.

Hauxe duzue Ihana Iriondoren abesti zerrenda:

Shifting Sands - The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
Kites Are Fun - The Free Design
Train Song - Vashti Bunyan
Spin, Spin, Spin - Terry Callier
Trust - The Pretty Things
Time of the Season - The Zombies
The Dolphins - Fred Neil
Nefertiti - France Gall
Something Has Hit Me - The Action
Little Black Egg" – The Nightcrawlers
Uncloudy Day - The Staple Singers
The Weight - The Band
Sunshine of Your Love - Cream