Jazz mundutik heldu diren kanta dotoreak

Revolutionary Grooves x237

The California Playboys (The California Playboys)

Arakatzaile honek ez du audio elementua onartzen.

Aste honetan, jazz mundutik heldu diren kanta dotoreak ekarri ditugu, konkretuki soul, funk eta r&b arteko fusioa, 80, 90 eta 2000. hamarkadako musika ezberdinen influentziarekin.


1- Ingram - D.J.`s Delight
2- Slave - Steal Your Heart
3- Aged In Harmony - You're A Melody
4- Rick Clarke - Looking Out For You
5- Sonja Richard - Step Back
6- Control - Your Love
7- Bohannon - Thoughts And Wishes
8- The California Playboys - Turn Down
9- Darwin's Theory - Untitled bible
10- Paradise - Satisfied
11- Bobby Broom - Niqui
12- Jimmy & Barbara Dockett - I Can't Control My Heartbeat