Elektro musika Revolutionary Grooves saioan

Revolutionary Grooves x 180

Anthony Rother (Anthony Rother)

Arakatzaile honek ez du audio elementua onartzen.

Aste honetan, elektro musikaren lan berriak ekarriko ditugu, horrez gain, abesti klasiko batzuekin gozatzeko aukera ere izango dugu.


1 Fleck E.S.C - Night Of The Notables - Science Cult
2 Dark Vektor - Superando (Maschine Brennt Remix) - Encrypted
3 Lectromagnetique - Core - Bass Agenda
4 Versalife - Alpha - Conforce
5 issu - Edge Connector - Science Cult
6 Cybereign - Journey - Science Cult
7 Fleck E.S.C - Close Contact - Science Cult
8 08P7345UR3MØD37 - Pleasure Model (NULLPTR remix) - Bass Agenda
9 Versalife - Kurzweil - Conforce
10 The Exaltics - Different Places - SolarOneMusic
11 Nullptr - Resilience - klakson
12 Lectromagnetique - Qubit - Blind Allies
13 Passarani - The Fixer - klakson
14 Syrte - Sensitive Dependence On Initial Conditions - Science Cult
15 Anthony Rother - Radical Minds - Psi49ne
16 Zeta Reticula - Out Of Range - Mechatronica
17 L-Pad - Skin Walker - Science Cult
18 Syrte - Mechanical Matriarch - Science Cult
19 issu - Geodesic - Science Cult
20 Zeta Reticula - Host Star - Mechatronica
21 Silicon Scally - Formulant - Cultivated Electronics
22 Fleck E.S.C - Kagoma Coffee -Science Cult
23 issu - Oscillate - Science Cult
24 The Exaltics - The Freefall - SolarOneMusic
25 Autechre - Second Scout - Warp