Jon Gurrutxaga x 2

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Naiz Irratia
Hemen duzue Jon Gurrutxagaren bigarren 'Beste Bat' saioa. Heldu estu baketak eta gozatu eztarria, biak beharko dituzue saio honetarako.
1. Levon Helm: 'Growin' trade'
2. Taylor Hawkins & The Coattail Riders: 'You drive me insane'
3. The Police: 'Next to you'.
4. Billy Cobham: 'Red baron'
5. Santana: 'Hope you're feeling better'.
6. The Jeff Beck Group: 'Ice cream cakes cakes'.
7. Stevie Wonder: 'Higher ground'
8. Rush: 'Tom Sawyer'
9. Buddy Rich Big Band: 'Mercy, mercy, mercy'
10. Led Zepellin: 'Fool in the rain'
11. Lenny Kravitz: 'Straight cold player'