Beietz! x 1
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Hauxe duzue Arbizuko ´Beietz!´taldearen lehendabiziko ´Beste Bat´saioa. Noski, festa giroko abesterik ez da faltako.
Askatu aingura - Beietz!
Sally Maclennane - The Pogues
I´m Shipping Up to Boston - Dropkick Murphys
These Times Have Got Me Drinking - Flogging Molly
Tabernako Argiak - Mconak
Hiri Zahar Zikina - Skabidean
London Calling (live with Joe Strummer) - The Pogues
Titanic Set - Gaelic Storm
The Kings of our Farm - The Fatty Farmers
Gaelic Ska - theTrojans
Trip to Ireland - Dr. Peacock
Aita Semeak - Celtas Cortos
Chip - The Real McKenzies
Rollin´Over - Skinny Lister
Kale Gorrian - Beietz!