Revolutionary Grooves x 53

Ryan James Ford DJa

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Beste behin ere, inoiz baino gogorrago etorri garela esan behar dugu aste honetako Revolutionary Grooves saio musikalera, baina oraingo honetan, hala dela baieztatzen duten osagai guztiak ditugu esku artean. 2020. urteak 'Break Beat' doinuetan eman dizkigun berrikuntzak entzuteko aukeraz baliatu gara saioaren 53. atal honetan. Doinu erabat gorror, bortitz eta erritmoz beteez baliatu gara beraz abenduko azken aste honetan.

Hemen duzue asteko Tracklist-a:

Jon Cates - Harpo
Hidden Element - Clap Drum Awareness
Amper Clap - Talking to the Ancestors
Ryan James Ford - While You Were Sleeping
Dexorcist - Centurion
Denham Audio - Feel the Panic
Private Caller - History In The Making (Fantazia mix)
Foamek - More Water (Original Warehouse Mix)
SDS MAX - Wrong Target
SKUUM - Blue Nespresso
Farron - Liquid Shorts (Pugilist Remix)
Sam Interface - Pink Dolphins
Ron Elliot - Haarlem
Mani Festo - Continuum
Pessimist - Ridge Racer Revolution
Private Caller - Helter Skelter (2020 Lockdown mix)
DJ Jimmy - To Be With You