Downtempo doinuak denboraldiko lehen 'Revolutionary Grooves' saioan

Revolutionary Grooves x 192

Jazz Spastiks
Jazz Spastiks (Jazz Spastiks)

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Gaurko saioan, Downtempo doinu dotoreak izango dira nagusi. Denboraldi berri honetan, larunbatero gaueko 23:00tan izango gara Naiz Irratiko FM-an eta Streaming-ean.

1- Lurob - Down The Road
2- Slakah The Beatchild - Macheeto
3- Nathan G - Colorblind
4- Andy Caldwell - Southern Plumperz [feat. Rico De Largo]
5- Joshua Heath - More
6- Tommy Largo - It's The Beat
7- King Kooba - Bad Back
8- Colossus - Introduce (SLAP Mix)
9- Uneaq - Just Move
10- Jazz Spastiks - (Never Been To) California
11- Mark Oakland - Live Forever
12- Tommy Largo - Night Time
13- Derek Dunbar - Please Be Mine
14- Giano & Michael Knight - Walking The Dog
15- Jazz Spastiks - Amber Leaf
16- The Hue - Stressin' [feat. Kissey Asplund]
17- Slakah The Beatchild - Living For The Rush
18- Billa Qause - All Night
19- Dave Allison - Brooklyn's Groove