Drum and Bass doinuak asteko regrooves saioan

Revolutionary Grooves x 178

Dillinja DJ-a
Dillinja DJ-a (Dillinja DJ-a)

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Aste honetan, ostiralean Gasteizeko Jimmy Jazz aretoan izango den Drum and Bass doinuen festa aitzakia modura hartuta, melodia horiek izan ditugu hizpide.


1- Universal - Groove Therapy (Photek Remix)
2- Nasty Habits - March
3- Voyager - A Long Distance (Collect Call Remix)
4- Deep Blue - Destroyer (Remix)
5- Hidden Agenda - Fish Eggs
6- Calibre - I Don't Care What You Say
7- Mike Parker - Neural Spines
8- Dillinja - Fuse
9- Double O - Corsica Groove
10- Deepz - Hope Dub
11- Overlook - Detour
12- Paradox - Deep Sleep VIP
13- Source Direct - Artifical Barriers
14- DJ Monita - Luv Ta Luv Ya (95 Relick)
15- DJ Crystl - Let It Roll
16- DJ Crystl - Live EP
17- Elkie - Crazy Music
18- Mantra, Decibella & Tim Reaper - Dash It
19- Soulox & Soeneido - Lavish