2022ak utzitako ‘Elektro’ doinuak

Revolutionary Grooves x 152

Lectromagnetique lanaren azala (Lectromagnetique)

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Aste honetako Revolutionary Grooves saioan ‘Elektro’ estiloaren bueltan aritu gara kontu-kontari. 2022. urteak eskaini dizkigun abesti eta lan interesgarrienak izan ditugu hizpide gaueko hamaiketarik aurrera. Abesti esanguratsuenekin osatu nahi izan dugu beraz asteko kantu-zerrenda.


1. Cliff Dalton - VrrKklK (Unreleased)
2. Permutation - Eclipse (promo) (Permutation)
3. ReKab - Dancing Tides
4. Lectromagnetique - She has no body
5. Sinitsin - Across the Desert Sands (LDI Records)
6. Deimos Defender - Wiggles (Copenhagen Electro Alliance)
7. Cliff Dalton - Brocco Lee (Unreleased)
8. Sinitsin - PKD (LDI Records)
9. Kruzh'em - Clearance (Copenhagen Electro Alliance)
10. Sinitsin - Perfect Machine (LDI Records)
11. ReKab - Lost In Wires (Bandcamp)
12. Cliff Dalton - Melting Monsters (With My Acid Spell) (Unreleased)
13. Kruzh'em - Not Un titled (Copenhagen Electro Alliance)
14. Lloyd Stellar - Slowly Orbiting Around The Earth (Unreleased)
15. Client_03 - Sense Combiner (Cultivated Electronics)
16. Deimos Defender - Orbiter Beacon (Copenhagen Electro Alliance)
17. Black Institute - Cone (Copenhagen Electro Alliance)
18. Lloyd Stellar - Reversed Technology (Unreleased)
19. Brain Enterprise - Duvv (Copenhagen Electro Alliance)